medal is working great and all but i dont see my screen recordings, i tried saving them to my pc and looking in the folder if its there. Still nothing, even tho i dont have any filters in the library turned on. I see all my clips but not the screen recordings, what do i do?
0 Votes
Brandon Cohen posted
4 months ago
AdminBest Answer
Is it possible that you are in Screen Recording + Clip mode? This would mean you have to press F8 in order to save a clip. If you switch to Session mode while Screen Recording, does that fix it?
0 Votes
Brandon Cohenposted
4 months ago
Is it possible that you are in Screen Recording + Clip mode? This would mean you have to press F8 in order to save a clip. If you switch to Session mode while Screen Recording, does that fix it?
medal is working great and all but i dont see my screen recordings, i tried saving them to my pc and looking in the folder if its there. Still nothing, even tho i dont have any filters in the library turned on. I see all my clips but not the screen recordings, what do i do?
0 Votes
Brandon Cohen posted 4 months ago Admin Best Answer
Is it possible that you are in Screen Recording + Clip mode? This would mean you have to press F8 in order to save a clip. If you switch to Session mode while Screen Recording, does that fix it?
0 Votes
Brandon Cohen posted 4 months ago Admin Answer
Is it possible that you are in Screen Recording + Clip mode? This would mean you have to press F8 in order to save a clip. If you switch to Session mode while Screen Recording, does that fix it?
0 Votes
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