Man I was in middle school when I made my medal account and like an ignorant kid I made my account under my school email which has been delated and I forgot my password so now I cannot access my account is there any way to fix this !!
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Brandon Cohen posted
3 months ago
AdminBest Answer
Hey Alexander, I'm going to make a ticket so someone from support can see if there's anything they can do.
0 Votes
Brandon Cohenposted
3 months ago
Hey Alexander, I'm going to make a ticket so someone from support can see if there's anything they can do.
0 Votes
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Man I was in middle school when I made my medal account and like an ignorant kid I made my account under my school email which has been delated and I forgot my password so now I cannot access my account is there any way to fix this !!
0 Votes
Brandon Cohen posted 3 months ago Admin Best Answer
Hey Alexander, I'm going to make a ticket so someone from support can see if there's anything they can do.
0 Votes
Brandon Cohen posted 3 months ago Admin Answer
Hey Alexander, I'm going to make a ticket so someone from support can see if there's anything they can do.
0 Votes