The tasks for the free RAM for the Aternos server have disappeared. What is the problem?
0 Votes
Amanda P posted
17 days ago
AdminBest Answer
We have escalated this to the developers, while we are aware it was showing before, it looks like it's not now due to the screen size. To fix this, the devs are going to move where the quest window appears so it will not be cut off on the home page. I will update the forums once that change has gone through.
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Amanda Pposted
17 days ago
We have escalated this to the developers, while we are aware it was showing before, it looks like it's not now due to the screen size. To fix this, the devs are going to move where the quest window appears so it will not be cut off on the home page. I will update the forums once that change has gone through.
0 Votes
Alex de Krochetposted
18 days ago
Do you think I didn't understand from the first time in the program manual that I needed to turn on the fullscreen? It doesn't work, even if you click on this window, although quests were visible before the update Medal.
0 Votes
Washington Netoposted
18 days ago
Hey Alex! If the app's window is too small, the quests will not appear on your Home Tab. Could you double-check if increasing the window size helps with this?
0 Votes
Alex de Krochetposted
19 days ago
And, actually, the tasks were displayed until the last update Medal.
The tasks for the free RAM for the Aternos server have disappeared. What is the problem?
0 Votes
Amanda P posted 17 days ago Admin Best Answer
We have escalated this to the developers, while we are aware it was showing before, it looks like it's not now due to the screen size. To fix this, the devs are going to move where the quest window appears so it will not be cut off on the home page. I will update the forums once that change has gone through.
0 Votes
Amanda P posted 17 days ago Admin Answer
We have escalated this to the developers, while we are aware it was showing before, it looks like it's not now due to the screen size. To fix this, the devs are going to move where the quest window appears so it will not be cut off on the home page. I will update the forums once that change has gone through.
0 Votes
Alex de Krochet posted 18 days ago
Do you think I didn't understand from the first time in the program manual that I needed to turn on the fullscreen? It doesn't work, even if you click on this window, although quests were visible before the update Medal.
0 Votes
Washington Neto posted 18 days ago Admin
Hey Alex! If the app's window is too small, the quests will not appear on your Home Tab. Could you double-check if increasing the window size helps with this?
0 Votes
Alex de Krochet posted 19 days ago
And, actually, the tasks were displayed until the last update Medal.
0 Votes
Alex de Krochet posted 19 days ago
Full-screen window.
Attachments (1)
199 KB
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Brandon Cohen posted 19 days ago Admin
Can you try making your Medal window full-screen? Can you send a screenshot of your Medal window?
0 Votes
Alex de Krochet posted 19 days ago
Username is Alex_de_Krochet.
But I don't understand how it can affect quests.
0 Votes
Brandon Cohen posted 19 days ago Admin
What's your Medal username?
0 Votes
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