did not receive feather client reward

Posted 3 months ago by Harmilan

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I saw the medal x feather thing and I did it as it said recorded a mc clip with medal and posted it on my medal profile but I still did not receive my reward for the quest any advice?

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Jordan M posted 3 months ago Admin Best Answer

I'm sorry about that! Did you claim the reward on another Medal account, or did someone else on your wifi claim it with their account? If so you wouldn't be able to claim it since it's only 1 reward per account per IP. If this isn't the case:

Did you take a clip on android, or was it Medal on desktop? 

If you clipped on desktop and no one else claimed the reward previously, we suggest you create a support ticket with us. https://support.medal.tv/support/tickets/new

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Jordan M posted 3 months ago Admin Answer

I'm sorry about that! Did you claim the reward on another Medal account, or did someone else on your wifi claim it with their account? If so you wouldn't be able to claim it since it's only 1 reward per account per IP. If this isn't the case:

Did you take a clip on android, or was it Medal on desktop? 

If you clipped on desktop and no one else claimed the reward previously, we suggest you create a support ticket with us. https://support.medal.tv/support/tickets/new

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