I had a very important situation for my gaming, we had a tournament, I had many clips from my game, when we finished, I looked at them and every one of them said "Game out of focus". I know that it can happen, but these clips were very important for me, even before the tournament I have played a game the same day, the same computer session, but now I can't trust medal will 100% save my clips? It even said the application which was clipping, and it was the one I had the tournament on. Massive information came out.
0 Votes
Amanda P posted
29 days ago
AdminBest Answer
What game did this happen with? Mind making a ticket so we can grab recorder logs?
If it was Roblox, we have just pushed a fix for this on our latest build. Be sure to repair Medal if this is still happening for you.
0 Votes
Amanda Pposted
29 days ago
What game did this happen with? Mind making a ticket so we can grab recorder logs?
If it was Roblox, we have just pushed a fix for this on our latest build. Be sure to repair Medal if this is still happening for you.
I had a very important situation for my gaming, we had a tournament, I had many clips from my game, when we finished, I looked at them and every one of them said "Game out of focus". I know that it can happen, but these clips were very important for me, even before the tournament I have played a game the same day, the same computer session, but now I can't trust medal will 100% save my clips? It even said the application which was clipping, and it was the one I had the tournament on. Massive information came out.
0 Votes
Amanda P posted 29 days ago Admin Best Answer
What game did this happen with? Mind making a ticket so we can grab recorder logs?
If it was Roblox, we have just pushed a fix for this on our latest build. Be sure to repair Medal if this is still happening for you.
0 Votes
Amanda P posted 29 days ago Admin Answer
What game did this happen with? Mind making a ticket so we can grab recorder logs?
If it was Roblox, we have just pushed a fix for this on our latest build. Be sure to repair Medal if this is still happening for you.
0 Votes
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