
Posted about 1 month ago by Lucky

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 I can't render the videos

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Amanda P

Amanda P posted 29 days ago Admin Best Answer

Sorry to hear that, is this happening with a specific clip, or every clip you try and upload? If it's a singular clip, can you try remaking the same clip and see if you are able to upload it? If you have duplicated any templates or VFX, can you try deleting them and see if the clip will render? If not, we will need to grab some additional info for this edit in particular and escalate the report to the developers.


To determine what's going on, we will need 2 sets of logs:

  1. Go to Settings > System > Advanced Settings, scroll to the bottom of the page and toggle Developer Mode 'On'.
    (If that does not work, right click the Medal Golden Icon inside the System Tray and select Open Developer Tools)
  2. Press Ctrl + Alt + i, you should see a white Window appear inside of Medal.
  3. Click the Console Tab to open the console.
  4. After opening the Console Tab, try replicating this issue so it gets logged into the console.
  5. Right-click inside the text and select Save As.
  6. Send us the .log file so that we can investigate the issue.


We are also going to need the editor logs. Follow these steps to send us your logs:

  1. Click the ? button to get to Help & Support page
  2. You can send us your logs from Medal. Click on Scan Logs and Medal will find the latest 5 logs.
  3. In the text box below the logs, copy and paste the next line of text into the text box: Ticket ID: 110980 || Issue: Render Failure
  4. Select Send Recent Logs and they will go straight to a developer to investigate.

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Amanda P

Amanda P posted 29 days ago Admin Answer

Sorry to hear that, is this happening with a specific clip, or every clip you try and upload? If it's a singular clip, can you try remaking the same clip and see if you are able to upload it? If you have duplicated any templates or VFX, can you try deleting them and see if the clip will render? If not, we will need to grab some additional info for this edit in particular and escalate the report to the developers.


To determine what's going on, we will need 2 sets of logs:

  1. Go to Settings > System > Advanced Settings, scroll to the bottom of the page and toggle Developer Mode 'On'.
    (If that does not work, right click the Medal Golden Icon inside the System Tray and select Open Developer Tools)
  2. Press Ctrl + Alt + i, you should see a white Window appear inside of Medal.
  3. Click the Console Tab to open the console.
  4. After opening the Console Tab, try replicating this issue so it gets logged into the console.
  5. Right-click inside the text and select Save As.
  6. Send us the .log file so that we can investigate the issue.


We are also going to need the editor logs. Follow these steps to send us your logs:

  1. Click the ? button to get to Help & Support page
  2. You can send us your logs from Medal. Click on Scan Logs and Medal will find the latest 5 logs.
  3. In the text box below the logs, copy and paste the next line of text into the text box: Ticket ID: 110980 || Issue: Render Failure
  4. Select Send Recent Logs and they will go straight to a developer to investigate.

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