Closing Medal in cmd

Posted 11 days ago by Red Phantom

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Red Phantom

Can i close medal safely with "TASKKILL /F /IM Medal.exe" or will i get corrupted memory/storage space

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Amanda P

Amanda P posted 10 days ago Admin Best Answer

Closing Medal with TASKKILL /F /IM Medal.exe forces the process to terminate, which isn't the recommended way to close the app. While this command won’t necessarily corrupt memory or storage, it could potentially interrupt any active recording processes, leading to incomplete or corrupt clips.

For the safest shutdown, it’s best to close Medal through the system tray or task manager without using the /F (force) parameter. If you’re experiencing an issue that requires forced termination, let us know—we’d be happy to help troubleshoot!

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Amanda P

Amanda P posted 10 days ago Admin Answer

Closing Medal with TASKKILL /F /IM Medal.exe forces the process to terminate, which isn't the recommended way to close the app. While this command won’t necessarily corrupt memory or storage, it could potentially interrupt any active recording processes, leading to incomplete or corrupt clips.

For the safest shutdown, it’s best to close Medal through the system tray or task manager without using the /F (force) parameter. If you’re experiencing an issue that requires forced termination, let us know—we’d be happy to help troubleshoot!

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