Looking for friends to slay out in games with? Or, just want to show off your ridiculously high-level steam profile to your followers? Connect your Steam account to Medal to display your steam profile to your Medal followers on your Medal profile page! 

Connecting Steam


Navigate to your Medal Settings and hit the Connections tab.
Select the Steam icon from the Connect Accounts area.
A new browser window will pop up similar to the one below prompting you to sign in to steam by entering your username and password. Once you've typed in your username and password, simply click Sign In.
If you have set up your Steam account to have 2FA (two-factor authentication) you will be prompted to type in your 2FA code on the next screen or pop-up.
Upon logging in to you're Steam account, you'll receive a message letting you know that the connection has been successful!
Now that you've connected your Steam account to Medal, you have a toggleable option to display your Steam account on your Medal profile and start making friends and showing off those achievements!

If you have and error page that says "The authorized account is already connected to a different Medal account" please check our Article about Social account already connected to a different Medal account and see if that helps!

If you have any questions regarding this, please create a ticket and we will help you resolve it as soon as we can!