Managing your clips on the go has never been easier with iOS. With Medal on iOS you can now sort, filter, and change many properties of your clips, such as downloading clips in mass, deleting multiple clips at a time, or changing the privacy of a group of clips.


Filtering Clips

With Medal on iOS, you can filter clips by several different criteria just as you can on Medal on desktop. These criteria include Games, Privacy, and Date. These filters can be used 1 at a time or together in any combination to narrow down your clips and find that one play that you've been looking for.

  • To begin filtering your clips open the Medal app and navigate to your clips library.
  • To view your filter options tap the Filter button at the top of your library feed.

Sorting Clips

In addition to filtering your clips, you can also sort them to narrow down your search more to make that one clip easier to find. You can sort your clips by most and least: recent, likes, and views.

  • To start sorting your clips tap the Sort button in the upper right
  • Then choose between sorting by Most and Least.

  • Then choose what criteria to sort with by tapping, Recent, Likes, or Views.

Selecting Multiple Clips

As well as sorting and filtering clips you can also select multiple clips to perform certain actions to apply to multiple clips in mass such as, changing clips privacy properties and deleting clips

To select your clips, tap and hold the clips that you want to select. Tap a clip again to deselect it. You can also select groups of clips by the date they were taken.

Clip Privacy

Another thing that you can do with Medal on iOS is, change the privacy of your clips. There are two privacy options for clips, Public, and Unlisted. When your clips are set to public, they can be viewed by all users on Medal and will be included in feed such as the For You feed, Discovery feed, and Topics feed if you have added hashtags to your clip.

To change the privacy of a clip, select a clip or a group of clips with the method above, then tap the Public / Unlisted toggle in the upper left of the app.