• First off, we need to restore the file that was blocked.
    Open the Start Menu and search for Windows Security.

  • Click on Virus & threat protection.
  • Now select Protection history.
  • Look through the history list for any Threat quarantined events. Expand the section and check the Affected items section for MedalEncoder.exe.
  • Once you have found the event, click on the Actions button and select Restore.
If Medal does not appear in the quarantine list, you can skip those steps and move on the the following steps below;

  • Now we are going to exclude Medal. Return back to the main screen and select Manage settings under Virus & thread protection settings.
  • Scroll down to the Exclusions section and select Add or remove exclusions.
  • On the new screen, select Add an exclusion and then select Folder.
  • In the file path, type %localappdata%\Medal, then click Select Folder.

Do not worry that Windows doesn't show your added exclusion in the list. There is a bug in Windows preventing it from showing the exclusion list correctly!

All done!